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5 Ways to Recognize International Overdose Awareness Day 2024

Person holding a purple ribbon, symbolizing International Overdose Awareness Day held on August 31. Otter House Wellness is an advocate for overdose prevention and recovery.
Recognize International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31 by participating in various activities. Join social media groups for overdose awareness, start conversations about prevention, become an advocate, educate yourself about overdose risks, and consider hosting a local awareness event. This day aims to raise awareness about substance use disorders, reduce overdose rates, and provide resources for addiction recovery. Show support for those affected by overdose and addiction by actively participating in initiatives and discussions.

5 Tips for Managing Summer Depression in Recovery

Young woman hiking in the summertime in Asheville, NC.
Summer depression, a form of seasonal affective disorder that affects about 5% of U.S. adults, can impact those in addiction recovery by disrupting focus on recovery goals. It can lead to relapse triggers and withdrawal from support systems. Potential causes include disruptions to routine, negative body image pressures, heat, and financial stress. Symptoms may include low mood, changes in appetite, insomnia, and lack of energy. Tips for managing summer depression include avoiding isolation, maintaining sleep/exercise/eating habits, utilizing therapy techniques, monitoring medication, and seeking mental health support. Professional help is recommended to prevent setbacks in recovery.

Pride Month, LGBTQ Addiction Rates, & the Call for Inclusive Care

group of people at sunset holding gay pride flag
Pride Month is a time to celebrate the LGBTQ community while shedding light on their challenges, including higher addiction rates. Members of this community face discrimination, mental health issues, and addiction struggles, especially during youth. Despite progress, barriers to inclusive care exist, leading to lower rates of addiction recovery. Factors contributing to addiction include minority stress and negative experiences. Addressing discrimination and providing affirming care can improve addiction recovery rates. Legislation, advocacy, and support for LGBTQ organizations are essential in creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for the community.

How Much Does Addiction Treatment Cost in Asheville, NC?

Stethoscope and piggy bank on a blue background. Symbolizing addiction treatment costs in Asheville, NC.
Addiction treatment costs in Asheville, NC, vary depending on the program type, duration, and level of care needed. Out-of-pocket costs can be reduced with insurance, sliding scale fees, financial assistance programs, and payment plans. In Asheville, the average cost for inpatient treatment is $56,759, while outpatient treatment costs around $1,703. Factors influencing costs include the program type, insurance coverage, treatment duration, and facility amenities. Options to help with payment include scholarships, rehab loans, state/federal grants, and financial assistance from treatment centers. Investing in addiction treatment is invaluable compared to the consequences of untreated addiction.

How Do Seasons Affect Mental Health?

Tranquil forest landscape with flowing stream. Changing seasons affect mental health.
Seasonal changes can significantly impact mental health, resulting in mood fluctuations and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can occur in both winter and summer due to shifts in sunlight and weather patterns. Signs of SAD include changes in sleep, appetite, behavior, and mental health symptoms. Treatments such as light therapy, medications, behavioral therapy, and Vitamin D supplements can help manage SAD effectively. It is important to recognize these symptoms and seek appropriate support to maintain mental well-being year-round.

What Percentage of People Relapse After Rehab?

About 40% to 60% of people who complete rehab programs may relapse. Various factors like stress, depression, and overconfidence can contribute to relapse. Education level, living environment, marital status, mental health disorders, and legal troubles can impact relapse rates. Recognizing warning signs of relapse, seeking support, and developing a new relapse prevention plan are crucial post-rehab strategies. Relapse is not considered a failure of rehab but an opportunity for growth and adjustment of treatment plans. It is important to continue seeking the right support and treatment tailored to individual needs for lasting recovery.

How Many People in North Carolina Are Facing an Addiction?

North Carolinians struggling with addiction seek support and recovery resources.
Thousands of North Carolinians, over 10% of the state's population, face substance use disorders. Approximately 11 individuals die daily from drug overdoses, with 95% deemed accidental. Addiction affects individuals regardless of age, background, or location, with rising drug abuse and risks due to dangerous substances like fentanyl. North Carolina's addiction rates have increased, exacerbated by barriers to treatment and resources. Statistics reveal the prevalence of substance use by age, drug type misuse rates, and substance use disorder rates. Addressing factors like socioeconomic status and stigma can help combat addiction's impacts on communities statewide.

What to Do if You Relapsed Over the Holidays

A cozy living room with a crackling fireplace and a comfortable chair, perfect for relaxation and warmth.
If you relapsed over the holidays, don't panic or judge yourself harshly. Consult your relapse plan or create one if you don't have one. Give yourself space to feel your emotions and seek help from recovery specialists. Reflect on the factors that led to the relapse and make a plan to address them. Reset your daily recovery lifestyle, practice daily recovery affirmations, and remember that relapse does not mean you have failed. Reset your relapse prevention plan if needed and consider creating new traditions to reduce holiday stress. Remember that you are not alone and seek additional support and resources if needed.

How to Support a Loved One in Recovery

An image of a family on a living room couch, providing support to a loved one in recovery.
Supporting a loved one in recovery from addiction or mental health challenges requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to learn. This article offers insights on how to provide meaningful support, including recognizing the signs of recovery, offering emotional support, creating a supportive environment, setting and maintaining boundaries, encouraging professional help, educating yourself, learning about triggers and relapses, and utilizing support groups and community resources. It also discusses how to respond to relapses and emphasizes the importance of self-care for supporters.

5 Benefits of Long-Term Addiction Treatment

A group of people sitting in a circle, discussing their battle with addiction, during long-term addiction treatment.
Long-term addiction treatment offers several benefits, including comprehensive healing and recovery, mental health benefits, emotional stability, social skills development, sustained support and guidance, reducing the risk of relapse, personal growth and self-discovery, and integration into society. It provides ample time for healing, addressing underlying issues, and developing coping mechanisms. Professionals and peer support networks provide continuous support, while family involvement and therapy promote understanding and healing strained relationships. Long-term treatment also focuses on building resilience, developing coping strategies, and setting long-term goals. It enhances self-esteem and confidence and offers career and educational opportunities, emphasizing community engagement for successful reintegration into society.
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